Monday, September 19, 2011



   Did you ever see the show on TLC called Extreme Couponing? It now is one of the hottest hobbies that people have. I mean what better way in the wonderful economy when everyone is cutting back to get grocery items for FREE. This is an addiction everyone should have!
   I was unable to catch the last season of this show, but that's why I love Comcast for the OnDemand TV Series list to catch up on the hype. I now practice couponing to the extreme. It takes as much of your time for as much as you want to save.


1. Sunday Inserts
   Make sure to get as many as you can, because when there is a sale you do not want to pass up you have enough to savor the moment. I have family, family friends, neighbors, etc. that save the coupon inserts for me.
2. Organization
  This is the key to success. Some people do it by stores, aisles in the grocery store, etc. You can put them in a binder, file folders, etc. Whatever makes you feel comfortable.
3. Store Policies
   In order for you to get maximum savings you must know what the store offers for doubling manufacturer coupons and store. For all the people, like myself, who can not make it out of Targt under $100.00, one note is that Target does double the coupons. Also, depending on locations some stores double the manufacturer coupons. This is why it is so important to have.
4. Sales
  Just like this blog, there are many blogs out there that will help you with coupon match-ups for each week. I personally love, She is extremely informative and always is posting on twitter and her website. Also,,, It is important to go off your location to maximize savings.

  I can promise you one thing... once you hit that bill with the 80% savings, you are ADDICTED! This is an addiction that your husband will love, mine does. Good Luck!!!

Let's hear YOUR success stories, tips, and etc.